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Potter Street Academy

Potter Street Academy

Our Community


We recognise the impact of good attendance and punctuality on academic achievement.  Parents have a legal responsibility for ensuring that their child attends school regularly and punctually.  Our popular Breakfast Club is open from 7:45am daily, for parents who need to make an early start.   We reward good attendance and punctuality in our celebration assemblies on Fridays with certificates for classes.  Individual certificates and prizes are given termly.   If your child is absent for any reason you should contact the school as soon as you know:   • give the expected date of return; • send a note with your child on his/her return to school giving full details of the reason for the absence

Please note that the school office will call home if we receive no reason for absence, if we have not made contact with you by 12:00 we will carry out a home visit.

If children are absent, medical evidence is required from the 3rd day onwards.  Medical evidence (such as prescription/doctors appointment) will need to be shown to the school office to authorise the absence.

Punctuality is important - late arrivals can legally be counted as unauthorised absence after 9:20am.  It disrupts the child, the class and the running of the school. Playgrounds are open from 8.30am and classrooms open at 8.40am and all children should be in school by 8:50am for registration.  If your child arrives after this time they must report to the school office and will be marked as late.  Medical appointments should, where possible, be given to the school in advance and take place outside of school hours.  Evidence of all appointments should be presented to the school office.

Even a small dip in attendance can impact a child’s learning, and in keeping with national policy absence can only be authorised for exceptional circumstances.  The school is responsible for authorising this and will check attendance regularly.  Holidays during term time are not allowed and will not be authorised.  Unauthorised absence may be referred to the MECES (Missing Education & Child Employment Service).  Frequent authorised absence or lateness may also be referred to this service.  MECES has a responsibility to enforce school attendance and will take court action where necessary.  The school has a policy for contacting parents on the first day of absence if no reason for the absence is given at the start of the day.

This school submits an annual return of all absences, both authorised and unauthorised, to all parents and the Department for Education and Employment.