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Potter Street Academy

Potter Street Academy

Wellbeing For All

At Potter Street, our aim is to build a community and culture, where children and their families can manage their mental health and wellbeing, by getting the support they need, when they need it (without any stigma). We recognise that mental health is on a continuum and so we expect times when it naturally dips but with universal, early help and support can bounce back up again without impacting on a pupil's overall wellbeing, behaviour and/or learning. 


We hope the information you find here, will show how we work together with parents, pupils and other organisations in the community to help achieve this and where the tiered approach is needed, for more targeted support, to help aid recovery.


Lead Staff

Mrs Kath Holland   - School Mental Health Leader, Associate Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead.

Ms Amanda Hawkes - Mental Health First Aider & Learning Mentor

Miss Kim Littlechild - SENCO

Mrs Paula Cook - Assistant SENCO